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vLinter: early rule-based design analysis and verification
Main Features
  • Multiple pre-defined rule sets
    Safe Logic
  • An efficient rule policy management
    Per project
    Per design group
    Rule Customization by user
    Rule import and export
    Rule severity setting
  • Auto-setup using FPGA/ASIC
    vendor project files

  • Support of different HDL design entries
  • Support of ASIC and FPGA flows
  • Efficient violations management
  • Black-box support
  • Support of different OS platforms
  • Unified data base with vSync Vincent CDC
  • HTML report
    Rule policy employed
    Black-box list
    Violations list
    Waivers  list
  • Qualification data-base
    Ready for DO-254 tool qualification

vLinter is a static analysis-based verification tool employed in early design stages for hunting design bugs related to bad coding practices. Some examples of such bugs are: unsynthesizable code, unintentional latches, undriven signals, race conditions, out of range indexing, incomplete case statements, mismatch between simulation and synthesis, etc.


vLinter contains multiple rule sets that are employed to construct a customized rule policy for a project or a design group. RTL design is analyzed according to the rule policy, and all the breached rules are reported as violations for an user review.


vLinter allows an efficient violation report management through different violation report views. At the last stage, vLinter supports generation of comprehensive analysis reports, required for further project design reviews, qualifications and certifications.


vLinter can catch bugs, requiring no specific test vectors and it is very effective when employed pre-simulation, reducing the number of simulation cycles needed to cover a functionality of a RTL module. The recommended design flow suggests employing vLinter before any functional verification.


vLinter supports both ASIC and FPGA design flows, allows easy and fast setup by directly loading in project files of leading ASIC and FPGA vendor synthesis tools.


vLinter is compatible with vSync Vincent CDC platform, allowing an immediate switch to CDC (Clock Domain Crossing) analysis after reviewing linter violations.


vLinter supports all VHDL and Verilog/System Verilog standards, including mixed-language design. In addition, the tool handles efficiently partial design, having internal black boxes. vLinter supports both Windows and Linux platforms.

Rule Policy Settings

The user can activate / deactivate the rules out of the rule list, creating a user-defined rule policy. The rule policy is stored in a special rule policy file, which can be then exported / imported to / from other design projects. The rule policy file name is noted in all vLinter reports. vLinter rules having matching STARC rules, include a special reference to STARC rule set and rule number.

Rule Customization

Some vLinter rules can be customized, e.g. name conventions prefix/suffix/sub-string can be customized. In addition, rule severity can be also customized: the user can pick up from warning and error options. The customized rules become a part of the user defined rule policy.

Violation Analysis

vLinter reports violations in a special window. The violations can be filtered and grouped in different ways inside the window. For each violation, vLinter
provides a cross-probe to RTL code, allowing efficient debugging.

Violation Management


vLinter supports both textual and HTML reports generation. The HTML report allows an efficient review of the analysis results and can be generated in both full and a filtered / reduced (focus on certain issues) form.

Violation Management

The user can decide to disregard some reported violations. This decision can be managed through Waive and Comment vLinter interface. The user marks
the violation as waived and writes a comment describing the reason for this decision. The waived violations can be filtered out from the report and appear as a special section in a final HTML report of the project.

vLinter allows fast design analysis, enabling clear up of simple and complex bugs prior to functional simulation. The tool can be employed to enforce certain design methodology for design group by customization of required Rule Policy.


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